Evelia Care is a newly established Domiciliary Care Agency that provides a range of services to help meet the needs of people in their home. The agency is able to provide a range of services and caters for all degrees of disability and difficulty, such as adults and children with learning disabilities and physical disabilities, as well as provides help to the elderly, visually impaired and other members of society who are facing difficulties and would appreciate a helping hand. We also have staff that are experienced in working with children and adults with disabilities, and workers who help disabled mothers with their parenting skills.
Evelia Care aims to provide care and support for people who cannot wholly look after themselves. We provide our service in your own home, at times convenient to you, and in ways you find most agreeable. We have sound principles for the way we run our service. Central to these is our belief that the rights of service users are paramount.
Our mission statement is to deliver a high-quality service that can meet the needs and requirements of our service users, and that this service be provided in a reliable and flexible manner by local, skilled and experienced care staff.
We believe the ‘person centered’ approach is most appropriate when dealing with our clients, as it enables us to provide a service that best suits the clients’ needs. We will take all factors into consideration such as language, dialect, age, sex and orientations; thus, enabling the client to relate to the worker.
Welcome to Evelia Care a full-service domiciliary care. The aim of good quality domiciliary care must always be to promote a way of life for service users which permits them to enjoy, to the greatest possible extent, their rights as individual human beings. The following rights are fundamental to our agency’s work.
Evelia care Limited is a limited company which will provide domiciliary care services initially in London Borough of New Ham, then to other greater London boroughs within 1 year.
The overriding aim of Evelia care Limited is to be the best in everything we do. Our simple objective is to build on our reputation for quality. We aim to stand out from other domiciliary care agencies by maintaining the highest levels of care and integrity in all our dealings, balancing the requirements of clients and others we serve with those of our shareholders, staff, suppliers and the regulatory authorities.
Evelia care Limited Ltd is a private limited company, registered in England. At Evelia care Limited we pride ourselves on being a family-run company. Everything we do stems from our desire to create individual care for each person that uses our service, in a happy relaxed and high-quality environment.
For those service users who have been referred through a social services department, the fees will be covered by the local authority. We also provide services to those clients who are receiving funds on a direct payment scheme. In these cases, we do not charge the client any more than the rate we charge social services.
Please remember we care about your privacy.
Check duty hours of service providers in our timetable.